In a land far,far away there lived a beautiful princess name Carrington.  And just like many fairy tale stories. Carrington was the most beautiful princess in all the kingdom.  Everyone in the kingdom loved the princess, especially her father the king. One magical night the great “Father/Daughter Dance,” was to be held.  Every princess throughout the land would dress in their best attire and given a chance to dance with their king. On this special night, as princess  Carrington was preparing for the dance. She asked her faithful servant, “do i need to put on a lot of jewelry for the dance?” The faithful servant responded “do you feel beautiful without it?” And with great excitement she responded YES! The faithful servant responded “then so be it.”  As she arrived to the dance full of excitement. The king open the door for her, took her hand and escorted her to the dance. That night the king danced to her favorite music, ate her favorite food and made silly faces with her throughout the night. As the night came to a close. Princess Carrington gazed out the window.  Daydreaming about the magical night she had. But Princess Carrington couldn't help but wonder. Will my future Prince make me feel just as beautiful, loved and will he protect me against the evils of the world, like the King has done so many times? As the king walked toward her, he stop and pause for a moment. Thee King stood back in awe of her beauty and all the wonderful blessings she had added to his life. He took out his camera and shot this picture, to remind him of how truly blessed he was. And again he  took her hand, escorted down the stairs, opened the door and away they went back to the palace. 

So maybe this is just a fairy tale, or maybe we all have a King who knows we're beautiful, loved and will always protect us against the evils of the world. If you believe in the Savior, then I hope you “Dance!”