
As I continue to read about the teachings of “Mother Teresa” I ran across some of her quotes on “Humility.” And all though the list seems long. I couldn’t help but notice that the list didn’t contain any materialistic items or self-weapons. It was a complete list of needed changes within ourselves, myself included. You see if you believe that someone or something is higher an ourselves. Our human nature is to denied the actions on her list. For example, “Speak as little as possible about yourself or accept insults and injuries.” When were in our darkest moments, do we somehow build up a wall? And our ego’s steps in as a barrier. We lash out or try to turn the situation around “PRIDE.” And then we go to war, carrying our own “self-made weapons.” We constantly fight the enemy within ourselves. We never for a moment look at what type of damages we are really doing to ourselves or to others. We only know that for that time, that moment WE WON! Hmmm...But just think for a moment “Did We Really Win?” “Are we doing the will of God? In order to follow the will of God and come out with the big “Win.” We must humble ourselves under the mighty name of Jesus. We have to conform our minds to his ways. We have to believe that he alone will fight our battles. We must lay it all down for him. We have to believe that he will always be there to protect us. His love will always be there to comfort you. His grace will give you the strength to abide by the list he gave to Mother Teresa, his shining light to the world: “Keep busy with your own affairs not others. Avoid curiosity. Accept small irritation with humor. Do not dwell on the faults of others. Accept censures even if unmerited. Give in to the will of others. Accept contempt, being forgotten and disregard. Be courteous and delicate even when provoked by someone. Do not seek to be admired and loved. Do not protect yourself behind your own dignity. Give in, in discussions, even when you are right. Choose always the more difficult task.”

These followings should be our fight. His faith is our weapon. And at the end of the battle within ourselves, rest in his peace. No materialistic or self-weapons required. JUST FAITH!