Each and every follower of Christ knows what the Holy Spirit is. And that God’s Holy Spirit rest within our souls. We want to feel his presents and breathe his grace into our lives…. “But are our souls under construction?” As Christians were taught that our bodies are the temple, and we are the church. But our bodies, minds and souls are all different. So therefore, we all show up differently. We look different, think different and our walk with Christ also looks different. But the holy spirit remains the same, loving all.

So why do we desire to show up looking the same? Worshiping the same, and following Christ the same? Is it that our souls are always under construction? Or is it that the body in which we abide in, we judged so harshly. To the point that it makes us feel un-worthy? So, when a so called “un-believer” approaches us. Do we come with the same script, same thoughts, same worship??? Or is it that we really don’t know enough about Christ and his ways, to love un-script? Do we provide a space in our hearts, for those who do not know him yet? Or worst do we condemn and judge the fallen? So, are we putting Christ into a contruction zone? How is Christ supposed to enter into our lives, if our souls are in a pile of debris? Changing what was old to new, can be a chore! But what if we start to look within ourselves and clean up our own souls? What if we start to share our own personal journey toward Christ?... What if we start to share our own short comings?... And maybe, just maybe we can grow together!

We have to seek Christ and ask for this grace. When an architect builds a home. They have to draw up plans, do research, and bring in the proper people to complete the job. They don’t just show up with the same skills, same thoughts and same experiences to build. Each person involved has to share their own personal gifts. And together they build a space that’s inviting, welcoming, and safe to share. So that the individuals who purchase it can grow. The same is for believers. We can take our gifts and experiences that God has blessed us with. We can become proud of who we are. Sharing different thoughts, different experiences. So that we all can grow together, with Christ. So, share your talent, gifts, love and compassion to one another…. “Because we are all called to build Communities -not Cliques.”

wanda graham