The Greatest Love Story Ever Told

The stories we have heard about love, can leave our hearts longing to have that experience. Or it can reel us into a feeling of “Yeah wait until the love is gone.” Like many, I have been on both sides. Experiences of love that kept your hearts soring. Or love experiences that left you defeated! Well here’s another love story. Actually, this is the “Greatest Love Story Ever Told.” Tell me what you think?

There was a time and place where you’re just going on with your everyday routine. Maybe you’re feeling good or you’re having feelings of loneliness. You put on one of your favorite songs, just to set the mood or change it. You start to reminess of past loves and the lessons you’ve learn along the way. And as you close your eyes, letting the music take you to wherever your mind goes. And sometimes the melody of the sounds, takes you back to your past. All the hurtful relationships and the scenario’s that took place during that time.

Defeats and mental games our minds played. The hard experiences you’ve overcame. The tears, the loneliness and the fears, that start to remind you of the hurt you felt at that time. You start to think “Is this the life Christ died for me to have?? “These experiences can last for years.

Then one day your mind starts to change. You decide I’m not giving up. Your prayers start out long. You make a commitment with God that you will do what is asked. You remind yourself that you are loved by Christ. And as usual the devil will show his face. And you may take a step back. But you press deeper into Christ, taking steps forward. Then your heart starts to remind you, that “You are the love of Christ!” Remember that he was there to wipe away your tears. Christ was there to comfort you through the pain. And Christ was there with his loving arms when you felt so alone. And when nothing but darkness surrounded you, he changed the situation because he’s your protector.

Now the music sounds a little different. The dance moves you make comes to life! Your mindset becomes creative. And you start to take notice. The love Christ gave me is more than enough to love myself. You see Self -love is your love gift from Christ. So, this is my great love story and I hope to read all of yours!

Remember you and Christ are the, “Greatest Love Story Ever Told!

wanda graham