
Love??? The topic of love has so many scenarios, meanings and sometimes be confusing. And yet if you ask anyone about their version of what love is? It can take on many forms depending on who is asked. But are they all right or all wrong? Does our own interpretation on love, make us the judge and jury over love? Especially if it does not a line with our own personal version of love. You see I’ve seen lives change by Love. Some disastrous and some healing. But no matter what personal version of love we have. Do we love Christ the same way? You see we are willing to fight for love, but is God part of the fight? Again, our own version. In the readings of Mother Teresa. She was willing to strip herself of all earthly things. Go into the poorest of homes. Aid the sick and be a light for God. To a community that didn’t know there was a God. And her only darkest time was not being able to do what God asked. In which she called the “Voice.” “Wilt thou refuse to do this for me?” The thought of not pleasing God was too much for her to bear. She loved God and Jesus so much. Mother Teresa never thought for a moment about her personal thoughts on love. Nothing ever stopped her from loving God. And so, she gave her life and her mission to spread the love of Christ throughout the world. I don’t know the rules about love. And just like everyone else I have my own version. But what I do know about love is, as much as I have gotten it wrong. As much as I have sinned. As much as I have falling short to his will. He will never love me as much as he does right now. So, what about love you ask? Just “CHRIST” for he is LOVE.