Each and every year when the month of May comes around, not only do I think of Springtime but most of all I think about Mother’s Day! Not only just the celebration itself, but just Mother’s.  While meditating, God put it on my heart to talk about the “Soul of a Mother’s Love.”  So, in researching I came across the “Blessed Mother Teresa!” I know everyone is familiar with her but I wanted to dig deeper into her life.  And what inspired her powerful quotes.  I came across the book “Mother Teresa- Come be my Light.” It is the private writings of this “Saint of Calcutta.” Without giving too much away in case you want to read it, which I highly recommend.   The love she displayed for Christ would make the tears fall from your eyes as your soul opens fully.  Her love for Christ will transform you in each and every written word.  In her private letters to the Archbishops and the Holy Priests that she confessed to.  In her mission to bring the love and work of God to the poor, sick, homeless, children and the women of India. She requested with no monetary help. She gave up her earthly life and privileges and became a poor Indian nun, in the darkest areas of India.  Mother Teresa’s mission in life was to give the light of God and Jesus to the underprivileged in a world of darkness.  And because it was her calling the thought of disappointing the heavenly father was too much for her to bear.  She laid it all down for God and used her faith and practice of humility, charity, love and Christ, to work to people who didn’t know about God or his Love.  No matter how hard or the dangers she would encounter she did it for the people of God in India and always with a smile or kind word. Mothers have a great task and sometimes there is darkness, helplessness, homeless, sickness and poverty. And still they put on a smile.  Mother’s live by faith! So, to myself and others if we are to be followers of Christ, isn’t that the real reason that we are here?  Mothers are doing it by faith, charity, humility, and love.  And mothers will do it again and again. Just to see the face of God in their children faces.  So, for each Mother’s Day ahead take time to think about how much they sacrifice in the darkest of time.  And when we see a Mother’s smile her children also should smile because they too see the face of God in our faces.  And to Mother’s everywhere “Not all of us can do great things but we can do small things with great love … The Blessed Mother Teresa