What are you eating?

Well it’s the beginning of the year (kind of) which means it’s NEW YEARS RESOLUTION TIME!

Ugh! Time to get in shape. Time to change our eating habits. Time to promise

yourself this will be my best year ever! I can turn on any T.V. program and I

would see an array of ads selling us the the latest exercise equipment, diet

supplements and meal preps. The list can go on and on. And it got me to thinking,

“are we really that un-healthy? Or is it that our minds and souls are un-healthy?,

Hmm. We have been so condition into thinking that we somehow have to make

the changes to ourselves based on what others might say or even worst, what

they may see.

Pastor Cooper at Peoples Church in Oklahoma City, spoke to us about an Unhealthy

Life. He said “If you’re going to live a Healthy life. You have to check out

the fruit you’re placing in your mind and souls.” What kind of food are we feeding

our minds and souls?? What kind of fruits are we eating? Is it too much candy? Or

is it too many people tearing you down? Is it too much fast foods? Or too many

people in our lives that are draining us?

You see I may have eaten too much candy or fast-foods. But neither of these

will put the weight on our body’s more than, an “Un-healthy Life.” We can lose

10 pounds in 10 days. But when it comes to our minds and souls, we can carry the

weight for Years! And no gimmick or quick fixes are going to give us the life Christ

wants us to have. In Proverbs 18:14 says “The strong spirit of a man sustains him

in bodily pain or trouble, but a weak and broken spirit who can raise up or bear?

So, my suggestion is that you pick up your bible instead of another piece of

exercise equipment. And build up your mind and gain the strength to expand your

souls. Inhale and Exhale his words to shed what’s weighing you down. And each

and every day meal prep your life. Feed your minds with his goodness. Christ

promise is that your life will be so full until it overflows. Not a 90day guarantee.

So, take a “Selfie” of the new you! Tell the world “your” weight lost secret. And

remember, “No gimmicks or Ads required!”

wanda graham