Where is the Love?

With all that is happening in the world, have we forgotten about “LOVE?” Is it really that

easy to lose the love we have for each other and be called Christ Followers? You see Love is

one of the most powerful words in any language. And Love is even more powerful if we act

upon it. So why is this four-letter word so important. And the actions of it have such a powerful

force behind it? It’s just a simple as the word itself, it’s because “Jesus is Love.” In order to act

on love, embrace it and let it work in your life, you have to understand the word Hate! Yes, the

other four-letter word that has the power to destroy lives. Satan’s whole purpose is to get us to

think of only ourselves, by any means necessary. You see, we’re fighting for racial equality but

we are killing each other in the process. Scientist working tirelessly searching for a cure to a virus

but are threatened and ridiculed during the process. Men, women and children are dying in mass

amounts everyday but greed has replaced compassion. And while we are trying to process

everything we are running into hiding just like Satan. So “Where is the Love? It’s here! It’s been

here! And it will never leave! You see if we believe there is a God of love then we have to

understand and believe there is a Satan and he’s full of hate. Hate has the power to kill, steal,

lie and condemn God’s followers. Jesus has the power to Love and have compassion for his

followers. Jesus will love us past our enemies. Jesus is there for us during our struggles to help

one another. And Jesus will protect our men, women and children by any means necessary. So

now that we know better, we have no excuses but to do better. So now that you have found

the Love of Christ, your search is over. He’s here!

Photo by Lotusseed

JUST A THOUGHTwanda graham